KIPA is an incorporated Queensland not for profit organisation initially set up by Keswick Island residents after the Grantham floods in 2011, with the first project being raising funds and offering our residences to flood victims that needed a break from their disaster cleanup. We liaised with the then head-lessee KDPL to organise community clean-up days and made a start to KIPA park near the former Keswick Island Guest House. KIPA’s aim is to work towards the betterment of Keswick Island as a whole.
Our charter objective that was ratified on 21 January 2011 is to:
1. Encourage a strong community spirit on Keswick Island.
2. Enhance liveability on Keswick Island.
3. Protect the Keswick environment & its surroundings.
4. Engage in a mutually beneficial working relationship with the Head-Lessee.

Now that Keswick Island has been sold to a new head lease holder, China Bloom (Hong Kong) Pty Ltd and managed by Greaton Keswick Pty Ltd, KIPA is reaching out to the rest of the sub-lessees that don’t reside on the island and local supporters. In 2020 we reinvigorated the Basil Bay Residents Association so the new head lessee will go through the proper process to issue rent, rates & outgoing levies. Together we believe we can progress towards a better future for all on Keswick and the locals and tourists in the Mackay/Whitsunday region.
If you are a Keswick Island lot owner sub-lessee or a local that supports our charter objective and would like to join our private community, please click this link to signup.